
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Group Member Disbursements

This report shows details of the loan amounts that were disbursed to group member clients. 

To get to this screen, go to Loans/Portfolio Reports/Group Members Portfolio Reports/Group Member Disbursements. You will see a screen that looks as follows:


Report date from: Enter the starting  date that you want to find out the Group Member Disbursements, in the screen above, the date selected is 01/01/2006 and in the "to" Dialogue box enter the date when you want the report to end. In the screen above 01/12/2008 has been entered.

Branch Code: Select a branch for which you want to generate a report. In the example above, we have checked "For all" option to have a Group Member Disbursements report for all branches.

Credit Officer:  Select from the drop down box a particular credit officer whom you want to generate a report about, this may be to see the Group Member Disbursements report of clients who were handled by that officer selected. In the example, the "For all" option is checked, this is in order to have a report on all Group Member Disbursements for all credit officers who handled disbursements to groups.

Loan Fund: From the drop down box, select a particular Loan Fund that you want to generate a Group Member Disbursements report about i.e. to know how much money was got from a particular loan fund. The Loan Fund is set at Menu System/Configuration/Funds. In the example, the "For all" option is checked.

Geographical Area: From the drop down box, you can select to generate a Group Member Disbursements report basing on the actual locations of the clients. For example Districts, County, Sub-County and Parish as specified in your settings under Menu Support Files/Geographical Area's. In the example in the first screen of this page, the "For all" option is selected in order to have a Group Member Disbursements report for clients from all geographical areas.

Loan Product: From the drop down box, select a loan Product that you want to generate a report about. The Loan product depends on what was set at Menu System/Configuration/Products. You may have Loan Products like School Fees Loans, Agricultural Loans etc. In the example above, the "For all" option is selected in order to have a Group Member Disbursements report for all Loan Products.

Business Sector: From the drop down box, select a business sector for which you want to generate a Group Member Disbursements report. This can be Agriculture, Industry, Services or any other depending on what you set at Menu Support files/Business Sector. In the example above, the "For all" option is selected to have a Group Member Disbursements report for all business sectors in the selected period.

Grouping/Order: Select from the drop down box how the report to be generated will be classified i.e. in the column title/heading. In the first screen on this page, Group by Client Name is selected.

Report Format: Select from the drop down box the sequence in which the column titles in the Group Member Disbursements report will appear.  In the first screen on this page, the first option is selected.

Member Category 1:  Select a particular category of group members from the drop down box or check "For All" option to have Group Member Disbursements report for all the categories of group members available in the system.  Member Category is set at menu Support Files/Group Member Category 1. This applies to member category 2 and 3.

Client Category 1: From the drop down box, select a client based on the classification that you made at Menu Support Files Client Category 1. In the example, the "For all" option is checked. The same applies for Client Category 2 and client Category 3.

Loan Category 1: From the drop down box, select a classification of a loan that you made at Menu Support Files/Loan Category 1, it may have been a long term loan, short term loan etc. In the example, the "For all" option is checked. The same applies for Loan Category 2 and Loan Category 3.

Additional filtering options? : This option is used to get a particular field or specification that you want. It helps you to narrow down the search for information that you need. When you check this option and click ok, a pop up screen will appear. 

In the pop up screen, select the required filter criteria from the drop down boxes e.g. SECTOR, relational operator e.g. "=" (Equals sign) and the value e.g. Agriculture.


Click the OK button if all the data entered is sufficient. You will get another pop up information screen showing the filter for the Group Member Disbursements report that was selected.  Click on "Yes" button if it is the right filter to generate the Group Member Disbursements report.


*If the “Additional filter option” was not selected or was left out, we will continue with the details as per the first screen and it will be as follows:


Detail: Select this option when you want much information about the Group Member Disbursements report. 


Summary: When this option is selected; it shows only the total amounts in the Group Member Disbursements report. 


N.B: You can only check one option (either detail or summary) to produce a Group Member Disbursements report. It is not possible to check both options at the same time.


  • View: 
  • If you want to look at the soft copy (on your computer) of the Group Member Disbursements report, then this option should be selected.


  • Print:
  • If you want to get at a hard copy (i.e. on paper) of the Group Member Disbursements report, then this option should be selected.


  • Report PDF File Format:
  • Select this option if the report to be generated is to be displayed in Portable Document File Format.


  • Report XLS File Format:
  • Select this option if the report to be generated is to be displayed in Excel File Format.


  • Report DBF File Format:
  • Select this option if the report to be generated is to be displayed in Database File format.


  • Create Graph:
  • Select this option if the report to be generated is to be displayed on a chart.


    Individual Loans Only: Select this option if you want to generate a Group Member Disbursements report for clients who registered as individuals.


    Group Loans Only: Select this option if the Group Member Disbursements report to be generated is for loans given to the group as a whole (i.e. not as individual clients).


    All Loans: When this option is selected, the report generated will display the Group Member Disbursements report for all Individual and Group Loans.


  • All Pages:
  • Check this option to print all the pages of the Group Member Disbursements report.


  • Pages:
  • You can select a specific range of pages to be printed for the Group Member Disbursements report.

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